22 Jul 2020
The HealthEngine family is proud to share some recent news from the AMA (WA) that recognises our fearless leader and founder, Dr Marcus Tan. Here’s the rundown:
The AMA (WA) has announced the results of its first ever Board election. The elected members join the AMA (WA) President, Immediate Past President and two Vice Presidents on the Board and will serve a term of three years.
The newly elected Board members for 2020-23 are:
- Dr Megge Beacroft
- Dr Michael Gannon
- Dr Katharine Noonan
- Dr Michael Page
- Dr Marcus Tan
The Association would like to thank all the candidates who nominated and offered to serve as well as acknowledge the service and commitment of outgoing Board members A/Prof Rosanna Capolingua, A/Prof David Mountain and Dr Simon Torvaldsen.
From everyone at HealthEngine, congratulations to Marcus and the new board members!